‘Així jugo’ campaign to promote the values of sport

The #Aixíjugo campaign, driven by the Catalonia Sporting Federations Union (UFEC), which aims to promote civic behavior and values ​​in the field of sports, was presented at an event held in the Olympic and Sport Museum auditorium.

It was attended by Marta Carranza, City of Barcelona Sports Commissioner; Gerard Esteva, President of the UFEC; Andreu Subies, President of the Catalan Football Federation; Josep Salom, Minister for Sport of the Barcelona City Council and Gerard Figueras, Secretary General of Sport for the Catalonia Regional Government. The event was coordinated by Jordi Sans, director of the UFEC, and was attended by representatives of all the Catalan Federations, among others. For further information, please visit: http://www.aixijugo.cat

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