. Barcelona officially declares its candidacy to stage the first World Roller Games in 2017

Maite Fandos, Deputy Mayor for Quality of Life, Equality and Sport on Barcelona City Council, together with Carmelo Paniagua and Ramón Basiana, the Presidents of the Spanish and Catalan Skating Federations, had the task of performing the official presentation of Barcelona's bid to Sabatino Aruca, the President of the International Federation of Roller Sports (FIRS).

The winning city will be announced on 21 February, with Lima the other leading candidate to stage the event.

The World Roller Games will feature 9 skate sport disciplines: figure skating, in-line hockey, in-line freestyle, roller hockey, skateboarding, in-line Alpine, speedskating, in-line downhill and Roller Derby. More than 100 countries are expected to take part.


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