Gustavo Chelles, designer of the Olympic and Paralympic torch for Rio 2016 and Xavier Costa Porta, director and owner of the Catalan company, Recamlaser, visit the Olympic Museum.

Juli Pernas, director of the Olympic Museum, were visited by Chelles and Costas. 

Gustavo Chelles, a Brazilian designer and engineer won the competition, organised by the Rio 2016 Organising Committee, where a total of 76 candidates presented their ideas for Olympic torches.

Xavier Costa is the director and owner of the Brazilian branch of Recambaser. He has been in charge of the project with which the Catalan company, Recambaser, with a branch in Brazil (an indispensable requirement imposed by CORio2016 to be able to participate in the public tender), will be responsible for producing the torches for the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games. 

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