History Classroom

The Joan Antoni Samaranch Olympic and Sports Studies Centre begins its programme of activities with the History Classroom. This first session focuses on the Barcelona Olympics. It is now 20 years since Barcelona hosted the 1992 Olympic Games, but its leading lights remember every moment and story as if they had happened yesterday. As Surroca explains, "it is hard to forget a moment like that", both for those taking part in the roundtable and many of the audience members.

A roundtable made up of 4 of the leading figures of the Barcelona 1992 Olympic Games: Mr ENRIC TRUÑÓ,  former Executive Councillor for Sport on Barcelona City Council; Mr ROMÀ CUYÀS, the Coordinator of the Bid Dossier and Olympic Report; Mr FREDERIC PRIETO,  former Delegate for Sport on Barcelona Provincial Council, and Mr JOSEP LLUÍS VILASECA, former Secretary-General for Sport at the Autonomous Regional Government of Catalonia. – . The roundtable was moderated by the sports journalist J. M. Surroca.

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