J.M. Gay de Liébana, Júlia Bosch and Joan Anton Camuñas – Exceptional Speakers during the First Day of the Olympic Forum on Economics and Sport

The inaugural ceremony was presided by Xavier Amador, Director of Institutional Relations of the Qualitat de vida, Igualtat i Esport department; David Moner, Chairman of Unió de Federacions Catalanes (UFEC); Gerard Figueras, Director of the Consell Català d’Esport and Josep Salom, representative of the Provincial Government of Barcelona.

A very interesting morning moderated by sports journalist, Joan Manuel Surroca, backed by a huge public including figures from the world of private enterprise, the public sector, and politics as well as athletes.

Afternoon session: Roundtables  moderated by Marta Carranza from the Barcelona Sport Institute.

Roundtable 1: Invigorating the Economy – Speakers: Xavier Triadó, Xavier Esteve, Jordi Viñas and Xavier Pérez

Roundtable 2: Generating Occupation – Andreu Camps, Joan Porcar Daniel Laga and Carles Meilan

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