Marc Márquez was accompanied by Freddie Spencer at the presentation of the book

Surrounded by his team, friends and family, Márquez answered questions from the media at the launch of the first authorised biography of the motorbike racer.

Javier Zaldua, Managing Director of Lunwerg –a publishing house forming a part of Planeta– and Carmelo Ezpeleta, Director of Dorna, both agreed on Márquez’s potential beyond the race track.

As demonstrated by the book, “Marc Márquez – Dreams that Come True”, which includes comments, anecdotes and moments from the life of the young racer recalled by those closest to him, as he gradually rewrites the story of motorcycling.

 One insight was provided by his sincere response to the question as to the reason behind the book: that he had not been keen on the idea, but was ultimately convinced by the insistence of those around him.

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