Officially inaugurated the exhibition of “Beijing 2022. Together for a shared future”

David Escudé, president of the Barcelona Olympic Foundation, has received Zhu Jingyang, Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Barcelona at the Museu Olímpic i de l’Esport JA Samaranch facilities where the exhibition dedicated to “Beijing 2022” is located. During the tour they were accompanied by Francesc Terrón, director of the Fundació Barcelona Olímpica, managing entity of the Museu Olímpic de Barcelona.
This exhibition collects Chinese culture and history, as well as the sports of the Olympic program and the leitmotif of these Olympic Games “Green, Inclusive, Open and Clean” referring to sustainability and care for the planet.
The exhibition is part of the family workshop “Beijing 2022. Together for a shared future”, a workshop dedicated to the little ones where they can discover the Chinese history and culture through sport in a dynamic and fun way.
The exhibition and workshop will be open to the public until July 3, 2022.

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