Teamwork was the great success of the Barcelona Olympic bid and Games

The round table, consisting of Manuel Fonseca, Secretary General of the Spanish Olympic Committee (COE), Romà Cuyàs, Secretary of State for Sport, Josep Lluís Vilaseca, Secretary for Sport and Enric Truñó, City Councillor for Sport (all of whom were in post during Barcelona’s bid), with Juli Pernas as moderator, emphasised that the key to success was the commitment of the various sectors involved. 

30 years on, the speakers emotionally recalled the moment, during the IOC session in Lausanne, when the president, Joan Antoni Samaranch, said: “À la ville de… Barcelona”.

The occasion was attended by various authorities from the political world, including Xavier Trias, Jaume Collboni, David Escudé, Maite Fandos, Gerard Figueras, Joan Camuñas, Lolo Ibern, Pere Sust and Rafel Niubó, among others.

All the members of the round table agreed on one point: “We all had the same objective, we were all working for the same thing. That was the great success of the bid, a success that was carried over afterwards to the Olympic Games.”

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