The European Parlamentarians with Africa (AWEPA) association of consuls and representatives in African countries has met to establish the cooperation initiatives and objectives for development in Africa

Senator Josep Maldonado, the President of the AWEPA, together with Juli Pernas, Director of the Barcelona Olympic Foundation, were given the task of welcoming them to the Joan Antoni Samaranch Olympic and Sport Museum.

The AWEPA symposium was attended by: Josep M. Calmet Iglesias, Vice-Dean and Secretary-General of the Albanian Consular Corps in Barcelona; Fernando Turró Homedes, AWEPA-Spain partner in Greece; Josep M. Simón Comalada from Burkina Faso, Andrés Carasso Vendrell, from Ivory Coast, Juan A. Del Moral Vizcaino, from Gambia, Ramón Palou Godall, from Guinea Bissau, Jorge Campins Figueras, from Madagascar, Carme Esteras Miñana, from Malawi and Carme Perches Gracias, from Seychelles.

The main aim of the initiative is to combine resources and efforts in African countries.

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