The great contributions of Barcelona’92

The first session of the History Workshop this year, commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Barcelona’92 Olympics, was held in the presence of Manel Vila, Andreu Clapés, Josep Roca and José Cuervo.

David Escudé, president of the Barcelona Olympic Foundation, was responsible for welcoming attendees to this round table moderated by the journalist Joan Manuel Surroca.

Manel Vila directed the ‘City Council – Olympic Games’ programme, and during the operational phase of the Games he was deputy director of the Municipal Operations Centre.

Andreu Clapés was assistant director of the Volunteers Division of the Barcelona’92 Olympic Organising Committee (COOB’92), and was responsible for designing and planning the Olympic Volunteers training programme.

Josep Roca was the Head of Torch Projects and Director of Ceremonies with responsibility for the Opening, Closing and Medal Presentation Ceremonies (1992).

José Cuervo was Director of Olympic Family services and Director of the Coordinating Medical Centre for COOB’92.

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